Marketing Strategy & Creation
The key to creating a successful and clear marketing strategy is identifying clearly what the ‘objective’ of the marketing campaign will be. We specialize in developing significant but achievable objective based on your business that you can feel confident can be achieved.
A key part of assessing what will be necessary to achieve the objective is going to be identifying who your ‘target market’ is. What age group? Male or Female? How do they shop and what for? We need to build a persona around your audience that we can understand.
What are others in your market doing? What’s working and what’s not work? A big component of how your business is identified in your market is how your product or service stacks up against the competition. During this process of the marketing strategy we will identify your main competition and what you need to do to get a ‘leg up’.
What money do you have set aside for implementing the strategy and where is it most needed for the greatest return on your investment?
What challenges could you possibly face in the market? Where is your biggest stumbling block when it comes to acquiring customers or maintaining and reselling to past customers?
What is the best solution to the challenges you face in your business? What are some potential marketing avenues that could catapult your business out of the issues you’ve been faced with or any problems you’ve had. This is where we will do a full review of the information we have gained and provide the best advice relating to solutions based on what we know working with thousands of other companies.
Pending approval how will the solutions we’ve helped you create be implemented? What resources do you have available to you that could help or what could we bring to the table in order to help you move forward with the marketing plan.
*This marketing plan is a complete strategy designed to help you solve problems and develop new business faster than could have been possible without expert help. It’s a guide not only for you but also for your team moving forward. It also is going to help us develop an understanding of your company and where we can best help.